ISSN: 0014-8261
ISSN (ONline): 2544-85-52


Aims and scope

"Farmacja Polska" is a scientific journal of the Polish Pharmaceutical Society published since 1945, since 2009 as a monthly. It publishes experimental scientific papers and review articles in the field of pharmaceutical sciences: applied pharmacy, drug form technology, biopharmacy, pharmacoepidemiology, pharmacoeconomics, toxicology, social pharmacy and the history of pharmacy. It also includes articles on socio-professional topics, reviews of pharmaceutical scientific publishing houses, reports on conferences and symposia, the activities of pharmaceutical institutions and the Polish Pharmaceutical Society, notes on professional jubilees.

The journal "Farmacja Polska" in its main assumption is a forum for the exchange of pharmaceutical ideas and primarily is a field for presenting the scientific achievements of the pharmaceutical environment. This intention is to be served by the dissemination of knowledge about pharmacy by presenting the achievements in the publications appearing in the journal. The journal is also intended to contribute to greater integration of the pharmaceutical community, as well as be a source of inspiration for young scientists. The aim of the journal is to present scientific achievements in the field of pharmaceutical sciences, exchange of scientific ideas and strengthen international cooperation.

In the years 2022–2024, the scientific journal "Farmacja Polska” accomplishes a project no. RCN/SN/0555/2021/1, financed from the Ministry of Education and Science (Poland) in the framework of a program “Development of scientific journals”.


Information on the number of points for publishing in "Farmacja Polska"

Dear Sir or Madam!

In accordance with the announcement  the Polish Ministry of Education and Science of June 26, 2023 on The list of scientific journals and reviewed materials from international conferencesof the number of points for publishing a scientific article in "Farmacja Polska" to 70 points was increased. The editorial team of encourages all reviewers to continue cooperation and authors to article publication in journal.

Link to the full list below:


Journal Metrics 2023

Scopus: CiteScore – 0,4; SNIP – 0,153; SJR – 0,128; link:

Index Copernicus (ICV) 2022: 80.01.

Manuscripts rejection indicator in 2023: 39.45%


Table of contents

Full list of numbers – see the whole list

Articles are available in open access, licensed under CC BY NC


The required documents to be filled in by the authors publishing in "Farmacja Polska" can be found in the "Editorial System" submission system (author's agreement with the editors, statements for authors (Has the work obtained external financing?; Is there a conflict of interest?; Have human rights been preserved?; Were animal rights respected?)  form specifying the authors' participation in the publication).

Regulations for authors - download

Important information for authors publishing in "Farmacja Polska"

"Farmacja Polska" is an open-access journal under the terms of the Creative Commons license (CC BY-NC 4.0) (no fee is charged for the use of the content on the journal's website), hence the need to pay a fee for publishing the article. The reimbursement of the costs of preparing and publishing the manuscript has been transferred by the publisher to the authors. The fee is charged after acceptance of the manuscript for print (after the whole editorial process – acceptance for publication, reviews, any amendments resulting from the review and final acceptance for print). "Farmacja Polska" no have article submission charges.

Please be advised that a fee of 1300 PLN + 8% VAT is charged for articles submitted to the “Farmacja Polska” journal, after accepting the article for printing, After accepting the article for printing the amount should be paid to the account of the Polish Pharmaceutical Society:

PEKAO Bank Pekao SA 58 1240 1138 1111 0000 0209 5949

The manuscripts processing fee in "Farmacja Polska" will increase from September 1, 2023. Manuscripts that will be delivered to the editorial office after August 31, 2022 will be subject to a fee of PLN 1300 PLN + 8% VAT (PLN 1404).


Transfer title: For publication in "Farmacja Polska" – (provide the title of work)



Authors who submit their manuscripts to the journal "Farmacja Polska" are required to use a unique ORCID number (Open Researcher and Contributor ID). It is a digital tool enabling identification of the author and his research work in scientific communication. The author can register an ORCID number free of charge at:


Manuscript submission

Editorial System is an online submission and review system. Authors must submit their manuscripts and track their progress through the system. In order to access the Editorial System, please submit your manuscript at: 


According to the Ordinance of the Minister of Health of the 28th December 2021 on educational points obtained as part of continuous professional development and the model of a pharmacist's professional development card, a pharmacist may obtain educational points for an individual subscription to a scientific journal in the field of medical sciences and health sciences. We encourage pharmacists to subscribe individually to "Farmacja Polska".

Information on the number of points for an individual subscription can be found in Annex 2 (No. 26) to the ordinance of the Minister of Health of the 28th December 2021 (Dz. U. 2021, No. 2494).

Regulation - download file


In 20223, in Polish "Farmacja Polska" 73 scientific and review articles were published.

Percent of accepted papers submitted in 2023: 60,55