Urszula Krawczyk, Andrzej Andrzejewski, Zofia Łukaszkiewicz
Wybór wzorców do analizy substancji roślinnych i roślinnych produktów leczniczych
w świetle wymagań farmakopealnych
Selection of standards for analysis of herbal substances on the background of pharmacopoeial monographs. For many years people have been using herbals in the traditional forms: infusions, decocts and tinctures. Most of these plants are nowadays described in the pharmacopoeial monographs. Polish Pharmacopoeia, European Pharmacopoeia and United States Pharmacopeia - National Formulary contain a number of monographs for medicinal plants and herbal medicinal products. However, in many cases, there are differences in the requirements, analytical methods and standards applied to the same medicinal plant. Therefore, standardization of complex herbal medicinal products becomes more and more complicated. According to the present regulations licensing authorities require assay of an active substance or group of substances of proved or presumed therapeutical activity. The question of appropriate standards is then raised. Difficulties in application of pure substances suggest using standard plant extracts in the analysis of complex herbal products containing often several medicinal plant extracts. The article describes and compares pharmacopoeial monographs. Some problems co0ncerning standardization of herbals are discussed.