Wiesław Sawicki, Rafał Łunio, Piotr Binakowski
Wpływ rodzaju celulozy na właściwouci fizyczne peletek flotacyjnych
z chlorowodorkiem werapamilu otrzymywanych metod ekstruzji i sferonizacji
Cellulose type influence on physical properties of floating pellets with verapamil hydrochloride prepared using extrusion and spheronization methods. Pellets are spherical granules designed to oral application. Most commonly they are enclosed in a hard gelatin capsule or compressed into tablets. Compression of pellets into tablets, being a modern technological process, is much more faultless than enclosing them in a hard gelatin capsule. It is an example of a multiparticulate drug, where the dose of an active substance is divided into several reservoirs. Microcrystalline cellulose is undoubtedly the most widely used excipient in the production of pellets by extrusion-spheronization method. The first aim of this study was to compare two methods of production of pellets wet granulation-spheronization and extrusion-spheronization. The influence of the development method on the physical proprieties of pellets was also investigated. The second aim was to compare an influence of excipients: microcrystalline cellulose Avicel-PH 101 (MCC) and powdered cellulose Avicel-P 290 (PC) on the physical proprieties and releasing rate of the drug. Pellets made by extrusion-spheronization method were more spherical, there were less agglomerates and the size distribution was narrow. Increasing the amount of PC in the formulation caused the increase of parameters like porosity, friability, swelling force and lengthen disintegration time of pellets. Addition of PC was a reason of decrease of release rate of the drug from pellets coated with Eudragit-NE 40 D.