Zbigniew Bela
John Henry Clarke i jego artykuł pt. Proch strzelniczy jako wojenne lekarstwo
John Henry Clarke and his article "Gunpowder and as a War Remedy". John Henry Clarke (1853-1931) was one of the most oustanding representatives of English homeopathy in its pioneer period. He was the editor of "The Homoeopathic World" and author of several books of which the most important was Dictionary of Materia Medica. The pamphlet "Gunpowder and as a War Remedy" appeared at the beginning of the World War I. In the first chapter of the pamphlet the author writes among others that action of gunpowder is both in wounds that have become poisoned with the germs of putrefaction and as a prophylactic?. The preparation Ihave most frequently used - writes J.H. Clarke in the same chapter - is the homoeopathic third decimal (3´) trituration which is sufficiently so to have lost all taste or smell of crude gunpowder, and to be no sort of way explosive. An ounce bottle contains 160 tablets of the remedy - states the author in the end of the chapter. Thus, without perceptibly adding to the weight or bulk of his kit any soldier can carry with him as much as he is likely to need. Any homoeopathic chemist - will be able to supply the tablets. My own chemist, Messrs. Epps, 60, Jermyn Street, S. W., have already sent out a quantity to the front?.