Janusz Myśliwiec

Leczenie oftalmopatii w przebiegu choroby Gravesa

Treatment of Graves ophthalmopathy (OG). Graves ophthalmopathy is an autoimmune inflammatory disorder of the orbital connective tissue, extraocular muscles and orbital fat in patiens with Graves disease. The clinical signs and symptoms of OG such as periorbital swelling, proptosis, extraocular muscle disfunction, keratitis and optic nerve compression are the mechanical consequences of the increased orbital tissue volume and intraocular pressure. The treatment of Graves ophthalmopathy involving immunosupressive pharmacotherapy, teleradiotherapy and surgical procedures, is still one of the most difficult clinical problems in endocrinology. The method of hyperthyroidism may influence the course of OG. Early and accurate clinical, labolatory and imaging diagnosis help to assess an actual phase of OG and enable choice of a proper treatment. This manuscript reviews actual opinions in the field of diagnosis and treatment of OG.