Dorota Niewiadomska-Możdżan
Zarys dziejów aptekarstwa w Rawie Mazowieckiej do 1951 roku
The outline of pharmaceutics history in Rawa Mazowiecka till 1951. The main purpose of my work was to make the readers familiar with the history of Rawa Mazowiecka and with the development of pharmacy in this town. The name Rawa Mazowiecka appeared for the first time in a document dated on 12.05.1228 and owned by the Duchess of Sandomierz. In 1374 the Holy Spirit Foundation was established. It was responsible for building of a church and a hospital in Rawa. The hospital, run by the monks from St. Wojciechis hospital in Płock, housed the first pharmacy in the town. The next information about pharmacy in Rawa comes from 1555. In the 18th century the hospital pharmacy was taken over by Jesuitsi Foundation governed by Wołucki brothers. As a result of liquidation of the Foundation in 1774 the pharmacy came into private hands. In 1867 another pharmacy was funded in 96 Warszawska St. During the I World War, between wars and in the period of German occupation pharmacies were in private hands untill they become governmentis property in 1951.