Jadwiga Brzezińska

Instytut Profesorski w Tartu (1828-1838) i jego rola w kształceniu kadry naukowej dla carskiej Rosji

Professor Institute in Tartu (1828-1838) and its role in education of the research personnel for Tsar's Russia. Russian universities at the beginning of XIX century had difficulties in filling their chairs with professors of Russian nationality. During that time the University in Dorpata/Tartu had very good research personnel and was considered a university of a very high standard. As a result the rector of the University in Dorpata, Fryderyk Perrot, suggested the tsar Alexander I to found on the base of the University in Dorpata the Professor Institute which would educate professors for Russian universities. The Professor Institute in Dorpata acted in years 1828-1838 and through intensive postgraduate studies trained the candidates appointed by the universities in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Vilnus and Charkov. There were also Polish people among the alumni of the Professor Institute.