Jerzy Witek, Joanna Szymura-Oleksiak, Beata Mycek, Ilona Błachucka, Anna Ślósarczyk

Zastosowanie techniki mikrodializy do oceny kinetyki uwalniania leku z biomateriału

Usefulness of microdialysis technique for investigating the release kinetics of drugs from biomaterial. In this study the usefulness of microdialysis technique for investigating the release kinetics of pentoxifylline (PTX) from hydroxyapatite biomaterial (HAp) at in vitro conditions was evaluated. Changes of free (unbound to plasma proteins) drug concentrations (amounts) in dialysate samples were determined using a microdialysis system previously validated in our laboratory and subsequent HPLC. On the basis of these determinations the release rates of PTX into 0.9% NaCl and 4% bovine albumin solution were assessed. The performed studies indicated that in the case of both media under investigation the release process followed the first order kinetics and that the release into the medium of higher viscosity, that is into the protein solution, was slightly slower.