Urszula Kurczewska, Elżbieta Mikiciuk-Olasik, Daria Orszulak-Michalak

Współodpowiedzialność za sukces lub porażkę - ocena szkoleń ciągłych organizowanych przez Wydział Farmaceutyczny Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Łodzi

Joint responsibility for success or defeat - the evaluation of continuous learning organised by Pharmaceutical Faculty of Medical University in Łódź. One of the condition of building the society based on knowledge is an implementation of a concept of longlife learning. The promotion of the idea of longlife learning strictly concerns pharmacists. According to Pharmaceutical Law, pharmacists are obliged to increase their professional competences. The paper presents the problem of continuous learning for pharmacists - the organization and evaluation of effectiveness of courses conducted by Pharmaceutical Faculty of Medical University in Łódź.