Monika Pazdan-Simon, Katarzyna Fleischer, Jolanta Zuwała-Jagiełło, Joanna Górka, Krzysztof Simon

Zatrucia pokarmowe w Polsce. Epidemiologia, klinika i współczesne możliwości terapeutyczne

Food-born diseases in Poland. Epidemiology, clinics and contemporary treatment possibilities. Food-born diseases are frequent medical problem since childhood to elderly. Food born disease is an acute gastritis, gastroenterocolitis, colitis or enteritis induced after drunk water or eaten the food contaminated with bacteria, toxins, parasites, and mushrooms. The total number of patients suffered from food-born diseases diminished in last years, also the bacterial etiology of diarrhea. Viruses, specially rotaviruses are the common cause of children diarrhea. Generally 20% food- born diseases touches children younger than 2 years old. An adult suffers from disease caused by Salmonella, Campylobacter, and Staphylococcous aureus. Rarely Clostridium botulinum toxin induces poison or mushrooms intoxication are observed, these patients are usually treated in hospital. The most common symptoms are diarrhea, vomiting, dehydration and abdominal pain. In diagnostics the anamnesis, physical examination is the most important, rarely the blood examination or sell microbial examination is useful. There are rehydration, realimentation, probiotics used in ordinary clinical practice. Rarely, in essential situation the antibiotic therapy is used. It is important to remember that personal hygienic practice and National Health Program can be helpful in diminution of food-born diseases.