Katarzyna Zawada

Zastosowanie spektroskopii EPR w farmacji i medycynie

Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy is an accurate and objective method of recording paramagnetic centers, such as free radicals or cations of transition elements. This technique is used to investigate the mechanism of drug action, drug release, the impact of radiation sterilization on drug and drug delivery systems, as well as to determine the redox status (oxidation stress meawsurements) and free radical mechanism of metabolic processes. The promising application of EPR spectroscopy is EPR imaging, enabling monitoring of free radical reactions in vivo.
Keywords: Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy, Electron Paramagnetic Resonance, EPR imaging.

Zastosowanie spektroskopii EPR w farmacji i medycynie

177.76 kB | 21 grudnia 2017