Jadwiga Dudkiewicz Wilczyńska, Karolina Nowak, Elżbieta Anuszewska

Jakość odtwórczych produktów diabetologicznych. Porównanie metod stosowanych do oceny zanieczyszczeń w produktach z glimepirydem

Quality of generic diabetological medical product. Comparison of analytical methods uses to evaluation related substances of glimepiride. The contents of organic impurities are one of the essential parameters decisive about quality of medical products. The aim of the work was comparison of analytical methods for detected impurities in generic medical products available for therapy in type 2 diabetes. Two different generic anti-diabetic products were investigated. In this study were used four methods HPLC to identify and quantitatively determine impurities glimepiride. There was compared efficiency chromatographic conditions to separate each impurity and estimate content of impurity in medical products. Comparable quality of research products was proved.
Keywords: Glimepiride, related impurities, quality generic product.

Jakość odtwórczych produktów diabetologicznych. Porównanie metod stosowanych do oceny zanieczyszczeń w produktach z glimepirydem

286.48 kB | 21 grudnia 2017