Magdalena Waszyk-Nowaczyk, Marek Simon

Znaczenie porady farmaceuty w procesie samoleczenia się pacjentów

The meaning of pharmaceutical counseling in self-treating society. According to the last few years the increase of OTC acquiring in pharmacies is noticed. Patient have become increasingly empowered to know more about their disease conditions and feel more confident about self-treating their illness. Taking OTC drugs without any control can be very dangerous for most of ill, because very often they dont have a knowledge about mechanism of action and application of a drugs. Patient need to know that every drug used in wrong dose can cause side effects or no treatment result. The patient education is very important and gives the basis to implement pharmaceutical care in Poland. The pharmacist becomes the crucial person in self-treatment decisions made by patients.
Keywords: pharmacist advice, self-treatment, OTC drug, community pharmacy.

Znaczenie porady farmaceuty w procesie samoleczenia się pacjentów

73.22 kB | 21 grudnia 2017