Małgorzata Dołowy

Wyznaczenie lipofilowości acidum dehydrocholicum różnymi metodami

Determination of lipophilicity of dehydrocholic acid with the use of different methods. In presented work the lipophilicity of dehydrocholic acid with the use of experimental and theoretical methods was determined. Dehydrocholic acid is one of the bioactive compounds usually used in medicine in form of commercial samples such as: Raphacholin C and Raphacholin Forte. A reversed-phase system of thinlayer chromatography (RP-TLC and RP-HPTLC) was applied to find the chromatographic lipophilicity parameter RMWof this compound. The RMW values were measured in various chromatographic conditions, by using the mobile phases such as: methanolwater, acetonewater and dioxanewater (mixed in respective volume compositions) and on different kind of chromatographic plates: RP-18WF254, RP-2F254 and RP-18F254. All experimentally determined values of lipophilicity (RMW) were compared with partition coefficients (logP), which were computational calculated like: AlogPs, logPKOWIN, xlogP2, xlogP3, milogP, AlogP and MlogP. On the basis of obtained results it can be concluded, that experimental and computational calculated lipophilicity parameter is useful to estimate the lipophilic properties of dehydrocholic acid.


lipophilicity, logP, dehydrocholic acid.

Wyznaczenie lipofilowości acidum dehydrocholicum różnymi metodami

194.79 kB | 21 grudnia 2017