Arkadiusz Kazula, Ewa Kazula

Stymulacja aktywności białek szoku cieplnego jako nowy kierunek terapii

Stimulation activity of Heat shock proteins as new trend in therapy. Heat shock proteins are known as major effectors of cellular stress response and they are present in all organisms. Their basic intracellular roles are assisting in folding of newly translated proteins and degradation of denatured proteins. Hsp have also an important extracellular function e.g. They take part in initiation of the inflammation process and they are recognized as antigens by immune system cells. Considering these facts, upregulation of Hsp synthesis seems to be a potential therapeutic intervention in treatment of carcinomas, renal failure and neurodegenerative diseases.


heat shock proteins, new therapy, carcinoma renal failure, neurodegenerative diseases.

Stymulacja aktywności białek szoku cieplnego jako nowy kierunek terapii

435.94 kB | 21 grudnia 2017