Bożena Karolewicz, Janusz Pluta

Nowe rozwiązania w technologii leków wziewnych. Część I

Development of pulmonary drug delivery technologies. Part I. The use of the lung as a portal for the delivery of drugs and for the delivery of systemically-acting drugs whether they are small molecules or macromolecules presents some different challenges from those associated with traditional asthma therapy drugs. In their part of review have been described new pulmonary drug forms i. e. liposomes, lipid microparticles, polymer microparticles and nanoparticles (biodegradable microsphere and nanosphere, large porous particles), cyclodextrins and dendrimers.

Keywords: alternative drug delivery route, pulmonary drug delivery, liposomes, microspheres, nanopatricles, large porous particles, cyclodextrins, dendrimers.

Nowe rozwiązania w technologii leków wziewnych. Część I

691.14 kB | 21 grudnia 2017