Tomasz Konarski, Mirosław Gliniecki, Marek Wesołowski, Jerzy Grześków

Rola farmaceutów w Wojskowej Służbie Zdrowia

The role of pharmacists in the Military Health Service

In the article, the legal documents, which are the basis for pharmacist’s activity in the Polish Army, were described. The role of the Military Pharmaceutical Inspection as the body in charge of production and turnover medicines and medical materials, both in Poland and abroad in the case of the Polish troops at international missions, as well as in the case of foreign military units staying at the territory of the Polish Republic, was presented. The task of pharmacists in the process of specialist education of the medical staff for the military health service, was indicated. Crucial paragraph of the article concerns the characteristics of one of the most important locations of the pharmacist’s work in the military service, which is the medical supply. The duties of pharmacists employed in the Regional Bases of the Medical Supply are to assure the supply of medicines, medical products and medical equipment, also to store the materials needed in the case of crisis or war, as well as to rotate the medical products and materials.
Keywords: pharmacy, military health service.