Tomasz Konarski, Mirosław Gliniecki, Marek Wesołowski, Włodzimierz Żychliński, Jerzy Grześków
Wojskowa apteka polowa – zadania i wyposażenie
Military field pharmacy – tasks and equipment
In the work, the political and military circumstances, which had impact on development of military health service, and within its frames, on military pharmacy were enlightened. The legal documents originating from the years 70’s of the last century, which still are valid today and regulate all aspects of organization of a military pharmacy in field conditions, its supplies in materials, pharmaceutical and medical equipment, as well as tasks, which a field pharmacy will do during its work were presented. The contents of three the most important pharmaceutical kits: G-5 (pharmaceutical materials), G-6 (pharmaceutical equipment), and G-5A (prescription substances) were described. The Authors of the article paid the attention on changing situation of the pharmaceutical market, which makes difficult, and in some cases makes impossible the proper rotation of medical materials, drugs and prescription substances, which are in the pharmaceutical kits.
Keywords: military field pharmacy, medical supply, the rotation.