Marek Simon, Magdalena Waszyk-Nowaczyk, Janina Lulek, Karolina Matwij

Znaczenie Indywidualnego Systemu Dawkowania Leków w opiece farmaceutycznej

The meaning of Medication Management System in pharmaceutical care

Nowadays the pharmacy profession is changing from the drug dispending specialist to expert who asses requirements of individual patient, which is the result of health care reform and drug or common available specimen advertise. This is a main aim of the pharmaceutical care. Individualization of therapy allows the patients to get the best results from their treatment both medically (safety) and cost-effectively. Changes in strategy of therapy, by Medication Management System application, should improve patient’s discipline in proper drug application and avoidance problems connected with polypragmasy. Such controlled pharmacotherapy should lower the costs of treatment and spending of public money, making it more reasonable by reducing the number of hospitalized patients.
Keywords: pharmacist, physician, patient, medication management system.