Marek Simon, Magdalena Waszyk-Nowaczyk

Opieka farmaceutyczna a porada aptekarza

Pharmaceutical care and pharmacist counseling

According to the definition pharmaceutical care should document pharmacist and physician cooperation and in case of need with the others members of health care service. Pharmaceutical care should asses proper pharmacotherapy to get optimal effects to improve the quality of patient’s life. All of the above need to be distinguish from wide range of information and advices given by statements or anonymous notes on the piece of paper – what is called pharmacist counseling. Physician during patient’s treating can use written order to pharmacist to analyze gathered information to get drug problems solution including affecting components of diet, physical activity, addictions and other non-pharmacological factors. So that patient’s card are fundamental and essential part of pharmaceutical care. The pharmacists want pharmaceutical care to be paid by National Health Fund, but first this pharmacy service needs to create a proper documentation system.
Keywords: pharmaceutical care, documentation. pharmacist, physician, counseling.