Lilla Pawlik-Sobecka, Agnieszka Piwowar, Sylwia Płaczkowska, Ewa Żurawska-Płaksej, Izabela Kokot

Parametry i testy laboratoryjne w monitorowaniu glikemii i diagnozowaniu cukrzycy. Część II. Samokontrola cukrzycy – praktyczna pomoc dla farmaceuty i pacjenta

Laboratory parameters and tests in monitoring of glycemia and diagnosing of diabetes mellitus. Part II. Diabetes self-monitorig – useful information for patients and pharmacist

Diabetes self-monitoring consists mainly in monitoring and keeping blood concentration of glucose on appropriate level, what should prevent and delay development of diabetic late complications. Diabetic patients usually take measurements of blood glucose levels by home glucometer. Urine test strips which enable half-quantitative evaluation of glucose or other parameters (e.g. ketones) are also used. In this work we present analytical background of glucometer operation, egzo- and endogenous compounds which may interfere in glycemia estimation and general rules for proper measurement procedure. The most common errors made by patients (e.g. incorrect blood taken and application) are pointed out. Comparative characteristic of selected glucometers also these the newest generation with additional function of ketones, triglycerides and choloesterol measurement are also placed. All glucometers require proper maintenance and regular calibration at the commencement of each new container of test strips. Quality control can be performed by patient single-handedly with the use of recommended control solutions, besides obtained results should be periodically verified with regard to the biochemical methods in certified laboratories. Acquaintance with all factors influencing measurement of glycemia and acceptable measurement error may be considerably helpful both for patient and pharmacist.
Keywords: diabetes mellitus, self monitoring, glucometers, laboratory analysis.