Anna Kijewska, Mariola Drozd, Anna Zeliasz

Ocena efektywności opieki farmaceuty nad chorym z astmą oskrzelową. Część 2. Ocena wiedzy pacjentów na temat choroby i jej kontrolowania

The effectiveness analysis of pharmaceutical care for patients with asthma. Part 2. Evaluation of patients’ knowledge about the disease and asthma control

Asthma is a chronic, incurable disease where adequate disease control is the main objective of effective treatment. One of the most important procedural standards in treating asthma is pharmacotherapy. Due to the prolonged process of treatment, there is a great need to analyses patients’ knowledge about the disease, recognize symptoms of exacerbation of the disease and the possibility of correct control of their health.
Keywords: bronchial asthma, health education, pharmaceutical care, pharmaceutical advice.