Karolina Maria Nowak, Kazimiera Henryka Bodek

Wybrane materiały hydrożelowe w połączeniu z indometacyną możliwe do zastosowania w periodontologii

Selected hydrogel materials with indomethacin likely to use in periodontology

This article presents preliminary research, which carries upon received hydrogel preparations (formulations) as a potential carrier of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Obtained hydrogels contain the active substance and excipient (a hydrophilizing, cross linking agent). As a base we used natural polymersmicrocrystalline chitosan (MCCh) in the form of aqueous hydrogel suspension and hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC) along with water, with which are made into the hydrogel. As a model substance, we chose non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug indomethacin. This drug was chosen due to its strong anti-inflammatory activities. The aim of this study is to improve the physio-chemical and mechanical properties, alongside the pharmaceutical availability of the main substance. We hope that this research will lead new therapeutic approaches towards the practical use of this formulation in tissueguided regeneration in Dentistry. After the evaporation of water, scaffolds are made with capabilities to swell and absorb the water. This fact is then utilized towards its local application within therapeutic systems in tissue regeneration. Nowadays, many researches that focus on similar mechanism are being carried out around the world. Thus providing proof to the apparent reliability and broad clinical applications of hydrogels.
Keywords: hydrogels, drug carrier, indomethacin, guided tissue regeneration.
© Farm Pol, 2011, 67(8): 492-498