Magdalena Jabłońska, Katarzyna Berbeć

Dotacje unijne i nie tylko – wybrane możliwości wsparcia branży farmaceutycznej

Not only EU grants – selected funding opportunities for pharmaceutical sector
Pharmaceutical industry, due to its high level of innovativeness, has a lot of support measures to choose from. Companies may obtain co-financing for their research activities from the Operational Programme Innovative Economy (Measure 1.4) and Regional Operational Programmes. R&D projects may be also supported by the National Research and Development Center – an institution responsible for distribution of national grants for goal-oriented projects. At the European level co-financing may be granted within the 7th Framework Programme, which supports both companies (organized in the form of consortium) and individuals (grants for scientists). Within the Operational Programme Human Capital companies may benefit from training grants.
Keywords: EU grants, pharmaceutical industry.
© Farm Pol, 2011, 67(10): 663-665