Halina Ekiert, Radosław Ekiert, Bożena Muszyńska

Nowości dotyczące roślinnych surowców leczniczych w polskich i europejskich monografiach farmakopealnych 2009–2013. Część I

Novel medicinal plant raw materials in Polish and European Pharmacopoeial monographs 2009–2013. Part. 1

In the period 2009–2013, the following new pharmacopoeial documents valid in Poland were published: Pol. Ph. VIII – Supplement 2009 and Pol. Ph. VIII – Supplement 2010 (which were translations of the European Pharmacopoeia 6th edition – Supplements 6.3–6.5 and 6.6–6.8), the next 9th edition of the Polish Pharmacopoeia (translation of Eur. Ph. 7th edition, 7.0–7.2), Pol. Ph. IX – Supplement 2012 (translations of Eur. Ph. 7th edition – Supplements 7.3–7.5) and new 8th edition of the European Pharmacopoeia and Supplement 8.1 to this document. The first part of this article highlights novelties among herbal substances authorized for marketing on European and Polish markets of medicinal products and described in Pol. Ph. VIII – Supplements 2009 and 2010, and Pol. Ph. IX. These novelties encompass mostly medicinal plant raw materials originating from East Asian plant species long used in fareastern medicine, including traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). These medicinal plant raw materials are sources of specific compounds: flavonoids, lignans, saponins, polysaccharides and alkaloids. Pol. Ph. VIII – Supplement 10 contains a novelty which is a hallmark of the Polish edition, namely, it presents “national monographs” i.e. monographs of medicinal plant raw materials or herb mixtures used in traditional Polish medicine since tens of years. The present article details botanical, chemical and pharmacological characteristics of plant species that provide new medicinal plant raw materials, knowledge of which seems indispensable for pharmacists working both at universities and in pharmacies.

Keywords: Pol. Ph. VIII Suplement 2009, Pol. Ph. VIII Suplement 2010, Polish Pharmacopoeia IX, medicinal plant raw materials, new medicinal plant species.

© Farm Pol, 2014, 70(1): 34-47