Anna Piecuch, Magdalena Makarewicz-Wujec, Małgorzata Kozłowska-Wojciechowska
Przymierze terapeutyczne jako pożądany stosunek społeczny w praktyce aptecznej
Słowa kluczowe: etyka, farmaceuci, pacjenci, relacje, opieka farmaceutyczna.
Relations between a pharmacist and a patient may be paternalistic in nature, when a pharmacist controls and manages the interaction; based on partnership, when a patient is actively engaged in the interaction; or unconcerned – in this case we cannot call it a relation in the strict sense, since both a pharmacist and a patient do not have any control over a patient’s therapy and are only minimally responsible for the success thereof.
As regards relationship marketing, each contact with a patient makes an opportunity to establish a closer relation with him/her and initiate the process of pharmaceutical care. It seems that until pharmacists do not fully accept a paradigm of patient-oriented care, the quality of their relations with patients will be inadequate. It depends mostly on pharmacists themselves, how they will be perceived – as ordinary sellers, or as reliable advisers.
Keywords: ethics, pharmacists, patients, relationships, pharmaceutical care.
© Farm Pol, 2014, 70(8): 413-418