Agnieszka Musielak, Agnieszka Arceusz, Marek Wesołowski

Rośliny z gatunku Cistus bogatym źródłem polifenoli wykorzystywanych w lecznictwie

Plants belonging to the Cistus genus as a rich source of polyphenols used in the medicine

A short characteristic of botanical taxonomy of plants from the Cistus genus, main chemical constituents occurring in these plants and fundamental areas of medical applications of the rockrose herbal drugs has been given in this paper. Special attention has also been paid to their anti-oxidative properties, antimicrobial and antivirus activities, usefulness for the treatment of benign prostatic hypertrophy and chronic inflammatory of stomach mucosa (gastritis), as well as of their anti-inflammatory activity.

Keywords: rockrose, chemical composition, biological activity.

© Farm Pol, 2015, 71(9): 593-599