Tadeusz Władysław Hermann

Wybrane zagadnienia seminariów z chemii fizycznej dla studentów farmacji

Selected topics for pharmacy students’ physical chemistry seminars

I have lead selected seminars for 2nd year pharmacy students for 27 years: physical phase equilibria: pure substances and solutions of a gas in aqueous media, chosen properties of colloids and adsorption phenomena. Derivation of different forms of Clausius‑Clapeyron equation have been provided. Dalton’s and Henry’s laws were used to characterize gas mixtures and solutions of a gas in an aqueous medium, respectively. It was shown thermodynamically that mixing of gases is spontaneous. From numerous properties of colloids a special attention was paid to Brownian motions, diffusion, osmotic pressure, sedimentation, viscosity and hydrophilic-lipophilic balance (HLB) which determines whether an o/w or w/o emulsion will result. Three adsorption isotherms were used to characterize chemisorption and physisorption: Langmuir and BET, respectively and Freundlich – an experimental isotherm.

Keywords: physical phase equilibria, Clausius-Clapeyron equation, Dalton’s and Henry’s laws, colloids, adsorption isotherms

© Farm Pol, 2016, 72(2): 99-107