Piotr Merks, Damian Świeczkowski, Bartłomiej Sasin, Jerzy Krysiński, Katarzyna Krupa

Opracowanie aktów delegowanych do dyrektywy ds. leków sfałszowanych (Falsified Medicines Directive) dla polskiego systemu ochrony zdrowia, ze wskazaniem najważniejszych zmian w Prawie Farmaceutycznym

Falsified Medicines Directive (FMD) "Delegated Act" - non-official translation, commentary and impact on Polish pharmaceutical law

Herein, we present an authorial translation of an original text of delegated acts of Falsified Medicines Directive (FMD), an innovative legislation framework aimed at fighting against the pandemic of falsification in modern times. From the perspective of community pharmacy, the most important amendments are related to authentication of medicinal products during dispensation. New regulations should be also understood as an opportunity to proliferate new services into routine pharmaceutical services. The text includes also expert commentaries how new legislation impact on Polish pharmaceutical law.

Keywords: Falsified Medicines Directive, delegated acts, community pharmacy

© Farm Pol, 2017, 73 (1): 30–43