Anna Gołda, Justyna Dymek, Patrycja Pelka, Agnieszka Skowron
How Polish patients use hypnotics and anxiolytics – the fragmentary report from a questionnaire survey conducted in the community pharmacies
Background: Due to lack of the monitoring of benzodiazepines/zolpidem therapy duration, the problem of their improper/prolonged use in Poland is difficult to study. Aim: To evaluate how patients use the BDZ/zolpidem. The second aim was to show whether the pharmacists can identify the risk for BZD misuse during the dispensing/counseling process. Method: The pharmacists were equipped with questionnaires regarding the use of BDZ/zolpidem. The questionnaires were fulfilled during dispensing. Results: The pharmacists collected data from 71 BDZ-users. The therapy duration was exceeded in 47 responders. Almost all patients took anxiolytics/hypnotics each day. Only 11 patients have ever tried to discontinue. Only three BDZ-users were ever informed by their GP about the necessity of discontinuation. Conclusions: Pharmacists should dedicate attention to BZD-users. The results indicate the need for actions focusing on the safety of use of hypnotics and the necessity of drawing attention of GPs to the problem of long-term BDZ-users.
Keywords: benzodiazepines, zolpidem, drug overuse, community pharmacy
© Farm Pol, 2018, 74(5): 267-273