Małgorzata Woźniak, Alicja Bieńkowska, Natalia Stachowiak, Maciej Małecki
Anticancer activity of vitamin C
In the recent years, the number of studies related to therapeutic function of vitamin C has been increasing. The interest is visible in experimental research in laboratories, as well as in the wide range of new vitamin C formulations in pharmacy. There is also a growing number of clinical trials in oncology that use vitamin C. In science, it is noticeable to extend both, the therapeutic characteristic of vitamin C and to propose solutions of new pharmaceutical formulation for patients. This study concerns the evaluation of biological activity of vitamin C in relation to cancer cells. Cell line B16-F10 (melanoma malignum) and NIH/3T3 (fibroblast) were used. Anticancer activity of vitamin C was assessed both in vitro and with the use laboratory animals. The study showed that vitamin C limits the survival of B16-F10 in dosedependent manner. Furthermore, vitamin C at high doses inhibits tumor angiogenesis in vivo.
Keywords: vitamin C, melanoma, angiogenesis
© Farm Pol, 2018, 74 (6): 380–383