Milena Blachel, Joanna Górka-Dynysiewicz, Ewa Żurawska-Płaksej, Dagmara Kłopotowska
Vitamin D an ally in the fight against cancer
The main function of vitamin D is to maintain the normal level of calcium and phosphorus in the blood, and its deficiency is usually associated with diseases of the skeletal system. Recent studies provide evidence that links the status of vitamin D and its supplementation with cancer. In laboratory and epidemiological studies it has been shown that the level of vitamin D can have a direct effect on cancer cells influencing their growth and course of treatment. The article analyzes the relationship between vitamin D and cancer, as well as provides current guidelines for its supplementation.
Keywords: vitamin D, anti-cancer effect, supplementation.
© Farm Pol, 2019, 75(8): 457–463