Adrian Bryła, Jarosław Woroń, Ryszard Korbut, Barbara Lorkowska-Zawicka, Beata Bujak-Giżycka, Jarosław Gupało, Krzysztof Wojtasik-Bakalarz

Possible complications of using selected over-the-counter medications - what to keep in mind in practice


The results of the conducted analyses indicate that the largest group of OTC drugs used by Polish patients are: painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs, antispasmodics, cold and flu symptoms drugs and dietary supplements, including vitamins. The simplest method of alleviating many ailments that patients try to cure “on their own”, without consulting a doctor, is self-medication. Such a procedure often generates many errors in the implemented pharmacotherapy. Rational pharmacotherapy is one that meets the criteria of effectiveness and safety. It must take into account all factors: residual characteristics of the patient, characteristics of the disease and the pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic profile of the drugs. Failure to follow these rules consequently causes interactions, complications and subsequent health problems that trigger the mechanisms of vicious circles.

Keywords: self-medication, NSAIDs, pharmacotherapy, medication errors, drug interactions.

© Farm Pol, 2024, 80(9): 621–633


Possible complications of using selected over-the-counter medications - what to keep in mind in practice

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